Adam Wedd – The Art of Interruption EP


Adam Wedd

Adam cannot believe what he just read in this review.

This four track recording from Surrey based singer Adam Wedd stamps his authority on folk music. This is an EP you will want to stick on whilst  delicately running your fingers through the hair of your partner as you share an intimate kiss. A bold claim right? Well I will test it this weekend and let you know how I get on.

The songs are for the most part upbeat (which I like), and conjure up images of sitting in a meadow on a hot summers day. In fact this is probably the best week for me to have stuck The Art of Interruption on my iPod, as I can quite happily say it matched perfectly with my stroll along Brighton beach in glorious sunshine. In fact 2nd track on the EP ‘This Too Shall Soon Pass‘ even contains the line “With the sun shining on my face, all the good things in my life I can embrace.” Yes Adam, I agree. However he  does follow this line with “Without you I’m truly screwed“. But try not to worry about that, this record is not all doom and gloom, and as the song title suggests: This too shall soon pass.

My favourite track off the EP would have to be the title track. ‘The Art of Interruption‘ is a fantastic piece of music, really driving and filled with a lovely crescendo of intensity before it breaks down to give way to Adam’s calming voice. It then builds up all over again, kind of like a rollercoaster, made of folk.

Verdict: It’s good. It’s still on my iPod. I’m off to the beach.

The Art of Interruption is available on iTunes, go grab your copy now!