
Sex Pissed Dolls
You better believe it! Punk is still alive and kicking and that night it had even more with long hair, lipstick, ripped fishnets and a bucket load of attitude! The Haunt: Brighton 19/10/2016 “The performance and energy you witness at a Sex Pissed Dolls gig has to be seen to […]

Review: Sex Pissed Dolls – Anarchy in Brighton

A night with Rock Royalty was promised with The Sharks. But first…. A great little venue tucked away in Lewes was the setting for what promised to be a great night out, and some top music – LIVE! Kudos to the fabulous Idle Talk who were main support of the […]

Review: Swimming with Sharks – Danger!

A band from Brighton – The RPMs Jack Valero (Guitar/Lead Vocals), Miguel Cosme (Bass Guitar/Backing Vocals), Callum James (Drums) Just a few words after seeing this bright, fresh band called The RPMs from Brighton. Their influences are wide and range from Motown, The La’s, Tom Petty And The Heart Breakers, […]

Review: Out with The RPMs

Disclaimer: This is a guest post written by author Jim Diesel. May is upon us once again and our fair city is alive with every conceivable show under the sun as the Brighton Festival, Fringe Festival, Open Houses and The Great Escape all vie for your attention. It’s sensory overload, […]

Review: Escape To Pelirocco – 21/05/16

Wizard Sleeve
25 March: Wizard Sleeve – single/EP launch I had been looking forward to this night since seeing Wizard Sleeve perform at The Hope and Ruin a few weeks previously. This was not going to be a straightforward night. The event was an extremely private one,  an invite only exclusive party […]

Review: Art and Noise with Wizard Sleeve

The Vibrators: Pete Honkamaki – bass guitar
12th March 2016 This looked set to be a fine night of Rock n Roll and punk! Three bands were set to play and The Vibrators topping the bill on this part of their 40th Anniversary tour. The Vibrators were back with us at The Prince Albert on their European […]

Review: The Vibrators – Buzzing in Brighton

Hope and Ruin – 15 March 2016. Skinny Milk are two musicians Johnny Hart on Bass and vocals and Tim Cox on drums. Johnny and Tim have been in a few bands over a three year period. The Vril most recently but before that they were in bands called – […]

Review: Getting a taste for SKiNNY MiLK

New Moon Brighton Music Review
We have an audio visual treat for you all today. Common Tongues have a new single titled ‘New Moon’ complete with a video. The gif above pretty much captures the gist of the video. Two women have a big fight, but it’s all in reverse you see. There are flashbacks to […]

Common Tongues – New Moon

Good Friday lived up to its name at Green Door Store, and the fact the show was free made it even more value for money. I have a lot of fond memories of Green Door Store, it’s the location of the first proper Art Noise event, and that show (back in […]

Review: Echoic + Them The Sky + Cousin Avi ...

Them the sky grasshopper autism awareness brighton event
  Tonight The Joker in Brighton will host a very special gig raising money for Autism Sussex as part of Autism Awareness Day. Grasshopper, Spit Shake Sisters, Zombie Crash and Them The Sky shall be performing. Great show, see you there?

Preview: Autism Awareness Show at The Joker 02/04/2015

Drugs @ The Hope, Brighton 05/11/2011 19:30-22:30, £4/£3 NUS. FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE HERE “DRUGS is back for an exhilarating night of live music, featuring in no particular order, THE MOVE-ONS, THEM THE SKY, BAT COUNTRY, CHEMICAL SMILE and WE SPIES. It’s gonna be an incredible night featuring five of the […]

Drugs @ The Hope 05/11/2011