Review: Getting a taste for SKiNNY MiLK

Skinny Milk: Johnny Hart on Bass and vocals and Tim Cox on drums.

Skinny Milk: Johnny Hart on Bass and vocals and Tim Cox on drums.

Hope and Ruin – 15 March 2016.

Skinny Milk are two musicians Johnny Hart on Bass and vocals and Tim Cox on drums.

Johnny and Tim have been in a few bands over a three year period. The Vril most recently but before that they were in bands called – the 85’s and Two Finger Salute, both punk bands.  There isn’t any real history of Skinny Milk I can share – YET!  They got together about 6 months ago after the Vril evaporated.

I had seen these guys once before, that was their first gig as a band, and only saw them do one song – that was enough let me tell you! I was hooked.

Skinny Milk were playing live at The Hope and Ruin in Brighton at an Acidbox promotion night. Four bands were lined up for us and Skinny Milk were second on the performer list.

Skinny Milk: Johnny Hart - Bass and vocals

Skinny Milk: Johnny Hart – Bass and vocals

I managed to grab a quick conversation with Johnny – a catch up and he was looking forward to performing the set. Everything was being set up and with four bands to go on there wasn’t much time!

Skinny Milk had drawn in quite a good crowd and we were waiting the start of their set.

The sound was incredible. I have not heard a bass produce such a variety of sound before and backed by some superb drumming. The sound and power created is extraordinary. If you didn’t know them and you stood outside the venue and heard them play, you would expect to see a 3 or 4 piece band! The reaction to the sound generated by these two can be seen on the faces of those watching and the dancing and tapping!

Skinny Milk:Tim Cox – drums

Skinny Milk:Tim Cox – drums

Tim Cox – he is the man with the sticks and tucked away behind Johnny on stage. He is an astonishing drummer and provides so much of the Skinny Milk sound. The bass guitar and drums work together, however the interesting thing to consider and remember is Johnny actually makes his bass guitar sing like an electric guitar, this throws the bass/drums rule book away! Pure innovation at work here.

Johnny with his bass guitar hanging around his neck has a set of pedals and boxes at his feet. Before they played a single note the venue hummed and crackled as the adjustments were made – this was overdrive, fuzz and delay set to the max!

Time was the enemy tonight and the band was set to play quite a short set:

Slip down the hole
Here it comes
Creatures – watch the live vid!
Come on – the title track from the forthcoming EP

Lets not forget Johnny’s vocal talents. He has all the right rock attributes for a full on rock outfit and the hair! He can then throw a curve-ball variation at you in the form of a melodic hook. His voice takes us all over the place. Incredible and it is captivating to listen to.

A new EP on the way, a video being filmed – its all starting up for Skinny Milk. Just go see them if you can is my advice!

Have a listen to Skinny Milk – C’mon – here

All words, images and video – copyright Ian Bourn/Media Works and the artists involved